Monday, January 28, 2013

I’m from the Paradise Dynasty

Last night, my wife asked me: isn’t x now the top leader of our Paradise Dynasty? I said, it’s really hard to say. He is now the leader of the Party, but he is not the leader of the government. But since the Party leads the government, so he is actually the top leader of our dynasty.
Like my wife, I guess most youths from PD (the Paradise Dynasty) do not care about who is the leader of the dynasty. God! They only care about beauties, games, stars, money, etc.
So people like me often do not have the right people to discuss what’s going on in the dynasty. Only in the microblog weibo, many people talk about this. It’s kinda strange. But anyhow, I know the upper and rich and elite people think about such issues often. But I am a poor guy myself, so I can almost only talk to my wife about this. Pathetic, right?

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