Sunday, February 3, 2013

What Do Chinese Internet Companies Lack

I wrote about the Wechat in this blog once. I’d like to talk more about the IT industry in China. Maybe you know that we are lack of innovations. Actually not only Tencent, almost all Chinese internet companies plagiarize, mostly from US companies. For example, Baidu copies Google, lots of its products are copies of Google’s, and Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube….all have “students” in China.
Furthermore, the Chinese companies pay constant attention to their American counterparts, and then take corresponding actions. But they also have annoyances, which also come from the US companies.
The US companies “create” not only the Chinese companies, but also “IT Critics”, just like me. These critics also focus on the US companies’ products. And according to which, they criticize the Chinese counterparts, who often don’t do well as their teachers.
Just go to IT blogs in China, you can find this. There are always critics talking about Chinese IT products, they talk by taking the US products as a reference object.
Actually, apart from lacking innovations, Chinese companies’ problems also include taking profit as the upmost thing. They do all the things just for money, which often conflicts with user experience. Maybe they never learn the essence of their American counterparts. 

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