Thursday, January 31, 2013

Will U Like Chat Product From the Paradise Dynasty?

Chinese internet giant Tencent is expanding its product to the west! It’s true. This company is a huge company in China, famous for its IM chat tool – QQ, and plagiarism.
The product going to the west is called WeChat, and I’m not sure it is plagiarized or not. I only know it is kind of popular in China, although I don’t use it very often.
Wechat is called Weixin(微信)in PD (the Paradise Dynasty). Do u think WeChat is a good name? I don’t think so. Weixin in Chinese means micro message. But WeChat……means we chat.

These are Taiwan stars speaking for WeChat. I don’t like the male, the female is kinda ok.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You Shocked Us in the Metro!!!

Yes, you foreigners shocked us in the metro on the so-called "No Pants Subway Ride" day. We simply didn't know what you guys were doing. Act like hoodlums, maybe?
We conservative people never do things like this!

Attention! I’m PiMin, Not Prime Minister!

I’m PM, which is PiMin(屁民), that means Shitizen, a special kind of people in the Paradise Dynasty(天朝). So PM is not prime minister.
All the PD people, except for the superior class (including officials and their relatives and so on), are Pimin. Pimin can easily be bullied, rights be deprived, but Pimin is also very good at enduring. So we are all happy Pimins living in the Paradise Dynasty.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Who Could Be the Most Suffering People of Multiple Personality Disorder?

So here is the question, who could be the most suffering people of multiple personality disorder in PD?
I guess it’s the content delete staff of, haha. They have to delete all “reactionary” as soon as possible at, that’s a huge work. I cannot imagine how they can do it, but actually they are doing well. All sensitive weibos are deleted in hours.
Such weibos are mostly true and honest, and progressive, so the staff must know it. Even if they are badly brainwashed, they would finally realize that. So could it be very suffering to do this job? How much salary can they get? Anyhow, I cannot bear doing that!

Monday, January 28, 2013

I’m from the Paradise Dynasty

Last night, my wife asked me: isn’t x now the top leader of our Paradise Dynasty? I said, it’s really hard to say. He is now the leader of the Party, but he is not the leader of the government. But since the Party leads the government, so he is actually the top leader of our dynasty.
Like my wife, I guess most youths from PD (the Paradise Dynasty) do not care about who is the leader of the dynasty. God! They only care about beauties, games, stars, money, etc.
So people like me often do not have the right people to discuss what’s going on in the dynasty. Only in the microblog weibo, many people talk about this. It’s kinda strange. But anyhow, I know the upper and rich and elite people think about such issues often. But I am a poor guy myself, so I can almost only talk to my wife about this. Pathetic, right?