Thursday, February 21, 2013

Being in the “Occupied Area”

Many mainland China citizens joke that they are living in the “Occupied Area”, they even require Ma Ying-jeou, president of Taiwan, to recover mainland China. Maybe in face of the relatively cruel realities of living in the mainland, no mainland people really regard himself as a citizen of the Republic of China (with its government in Taipei), but some of them use the national flag of ROC as their avatar in social networks, one of my friends does so in QQ, an popular online chat tool. Fortunately, this is no illegal in Mainland China.
Such saying of being in the “Occupied Area” of China is not groundless, as the Republic of China officially claims mainland China and Mongolia and other border areas as parts of its territory.
Official Map of the Republic of China
And since the Taiwanese enjoy better living standard, environment, freedom and democracy compared to people in mainland China, it is common that many of us imagine that we are also citizens of the ROC, instead of the People's Republic of China.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Are You Also In Spring Festival?

Back to work from the Spring Festival, no mood for working, but a lot of different thinkings. I check the stats of this blog yesterday, but I find only few people visit it. Are Americans not interested in China? Or r u also in the Spring Festival?
It seems that a lot of people haven’t been back to work in my company. Gosh, I had the wrong judgment again? People in the company don’t have to be back immediately after the Spring Fesitval? Well, in the government, leaders always call on all the employees on the 1st day of work, but in the company, maybe leaders themselves aren’t back yet.
Is this an evidence that the gov officials are more diligent than entrepreneurs?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Will Xi bow to public opinion?

Last time I reported that Xi may open a weibo account. And the Xuexifensituan weibo account has seriously confessed that he is just an ordinary citizen, and his pictures came from fans of Xi. Well, the fans may be big guys!
Now there is a popular weibo post reposted by lots of people, including some celebrities, the post is requesting Xi to bow to the public opinion, that’s to join Weibo.
Maybe we will all be disappointed, I guess. It is not easy for a government leader to do such thing in China, who is always cautious in contacting the internet, and keeps certain distance from the masses.
Maybe Xi is thinking about this issue too, but will other standing members of the Politburo agree?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Rumor: Xi to Open Weibo Account

Well, I know that your leader Obama has a Twitter account, and even former leader of Cuba Castro has one too. But it’s unusual for a Chinese leader to have a similar account. Actually, not one internet account of the top leaders is unveiled.
Once the Renminwang Website revealed a microblog account of President Hu and evoked excitement, but later it was said to be a technical mistake.
The rumor about Xi’s going to have a Weibo account is from a currently very hot Weibo user – 学习粉丝团, who recently keeps on reporting Xi’s investigation tours, and published a lot of close pictures of Xi, which can be seen no where else.
So let’s wait to see if it is true or not.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What Do Chinese Internet Companies Lack

I wrote about the Wechat in this blog once. I’d like to talk more about the IT industry in China. Maybe you know that we are lack of innovations. Actually not only Tencent, almost all Chinese internet companies plagiarize, mostly from US companies. For example, Baidu copies Google, lots of its products are copies of Google’s, and Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube….all have “students” in China.
Furthermore, the Chinese companies pay constant attention to their American counterparts, and then take corresponding actions. But they also have annoyances, which also come from the US companies.
The US companies “create” not only the Chinese companies, but also “IT Critics”, just like me. These critics also focus on the US companies’ products. And according to which, they criticize the Chinese counterparts, who often don’t do well as their teachers.
Just go to IT blogs in China, you can find this. There are always critics talking about Chinese IT products, they talk by taking the US products as a reference object.
Actually, apart from lacking innovations, Chinese companies’ problems also include taking profit as the upmost thing. They do all the things just for money, which often conflicts with user experience. Maybe they never learn the essence of their American counterparts. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Countryside Landscape is Good!

Yesterday I wrote about the countryside. Really it’s beautiful, at least more than the city. Actually, I once took two Americans to my home, and I guessed that they will love the landscape. But disappointing, they said no word about the landscape and left the second day.
I also once took pictures and show them to my classmates, yes, they were shocked and praised the landscape, I cannot find the pictures now, maybe I will take some this time.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Spring Festival is Coming

Several days later, it will be the Spring Festival. And I will be back home, to the countryside. Yes, I like the festival, because all family members will be together, and neighbors working everywhere will also be back. People will gather and play cards and Majiang together, eating and drinking, playing with fireworks.
But this Spring Festival will be a special one for me. Because my grandpa is seriously ill, thought himself doesn’t know it. He may die in several months, and will have another surgery after the festival.
I wish him become better.